
AppMill can be run on-premise, in private clouds, or public clouds. Flexible plans and affordable pricing to service organizations of all sizes.

AppMill Architect – GUI Screen Builder

Develop CRUD screens and reports visually with the Architect. Rapidly create working prototypes, dashboards, and applications with various group-level permissions; all without coding.

Enhance your design by adding client-side JavaScript, document management, and workflows.

Create enterprise-class applications by adding server side extension functions in your choice of five programming languages. Utilize job scheduler and load balancing features.

Reach your customer with various notification types (SMS/E-Mail/Messaging), and fully-internationalized content.

Flexibility to build applications in multiple environments with or without custom code

AppMill runs on-premise in Windows and Linux. AppMill can run in aPaaS mode in the AppMill private Cloud, or fully on public clouds. AppMill supports Oracle, MSSQL, Postgres, MySQL, and SQLite databases.
Transfer databases to your choice of platform with the included migration tool.
Write custom functions and debug with Visual Studio Code.

Build Workflows

Design workflows with the built-in GUI drag-and-drop tool.
Create step navigations that utilize notifications, group-level routing, and custom functions.

Create Custom Reports and Dashboards

Use the on-platform report writer to build custom reports or select simplied reports to use for basic grouping and freeform letters.
Various chart types are available to build dashboards and KPI screens.

Save and Annotate Documents

AppMill contains a full Document Management system to collect and catalog documents. Annotations are included on PDF documents along with various security roles for retrieval, presentation, and management.

Rapidly build and deploy web services

Create no-code REST web services in minutes by extending screens in AppMill Architect.


Use On-platform messaging to connect users and boost productivity. Setup room permissions to enable shared workspaces for collaboration.

Our Plans

Build applications in environments that fit any organization. AppMill allows you to develop on your terms.